24 May 2010

I need a programmer!

I'm in desperate need of a programmer!

I'm searching for someone who knows C++ and would be able to edit some touch pad drivers (not actual drivers but a small program which enables absolute mode). I need the absolute mode enabled and some minor extras (turning the coordinate system for 90° and adjusting the active area). I can provide the SDK in fact you can download it here. There are already some examples included for the things I need.

I promise fortune and glory to anyone who is not afraid to take this challenge. Just kidding, but I will pay you (don't worry) and give you a big "Thank you" in my thesis.

If you are interested, write an email to my name.surname at gmail.

Share this post: http://skrci.me/dss06

Nujno rabim programerja!

Iščem programerja, ki obvlada C++ in bi bil pripravljen urediti touch pad driverje (ne driverje pač pa program, ki omogoča absolutno pozicijo kurzorja). Rabil bi absolutno pozicijo kurzorja in nekaj manjših dodatkov (obračanje koordinatnega sistema za 90° in določanje aktivne površine). Lahko priskrbim SDK, v bistvu ga je mogoče dobiti tukaj. Nekaj primerov tega kar rabim je že vključenih.

Vsakemu, ki je pripravljen sprejeti ta izziv obljubljam slavo in bogastvo. Hecam se, bom pa plačal in napisal veliko zahvalo v mojo diplomo.

Če te zanima, napiši email na moje ime.priimek na gmail.

Deli ta prispevek: http://skrci.me/dss06

19 May 2010

Home made digital camera

After a few setbacks I am back on track with the practical part of my thesis. Yesterday I finally received the screen component I was waiting for a month and a half. Today I took apart a webcam and combined it with the screen.

[Crap, I accidentally deleted this video on Vimeo, facepalm]

I would like to thank the guys at Cirque for their support and specifications for the touchpad module. Now I will be able to work with it. The interaction part will be painful to create, but doable. [Update: That touchpad went belly up the first day, so...]

Short link to this post: http://skrci.me/dss05

13 May 2010

Museum Lights and a trip to Denmark

And now to the "wannabe music artist" part of my description. Yes, I recorded a new track and it's ready for you to listen, download and love.

Museum Lights by Echotype

 I will be away for a few days, because I am visiting my friend in Denmark. The trip will go something like this (if everything goes right of course):

Ljutomer -> Klagenfurt (car)
Klagenfurt -> Frankfurt-Hahn (plane)
Frankfurt-Hahn -> Odense (car)

Odense -> Köln (car)
Köln -> Frankfurt-Hahn (bus)
Frankfurt-Hahn -> Klagenfurt (plane)
Klagenfurt -> Ljutomer (car)

I will report back with pictures on Tuesday.

Short link to this post: http://skrci.me/dss04

12 May 2010

Crysis - Thesis is falling apart

After a month of waiting I finally got the right component. I was happy as fat kid with candy, all until I tried to make it work. After a few failed attempts, I opened it up and find a damaged cable. At first I thought that it's my fault, but the cable was in the middle and it was thicker then all the surrounding ones. So in order for me to damage it, I would have to damage the other cables. This means at least another two weeks of waiting... F*cking great!
I also ordered a screen component 5 weeks ago and I don't know where the hell it is...

Damaged cable...

I give up...

Short link to this post: http://skrci.me/dss03

09 May 2010

My interface and Flash Catalyst

It's Sunday all over again and it's once again time for my blog post.
I have considered using Flash Catalyst for my (physical) prototype many times. I have tried both beta versions and am now using the trial version. But it seems to me that it is always missing something I would like to do. For example: It has no "click and drag" actions, which I desperately need for my interface to work properly. Well, there is a scroll component, but this won't do the job. I already gave up on Catalyst, but my mentor insisted that I try to create as much as possible with it and then outline the drawbacks of Catalyst. Yesterday I created the first simulation of my interface. If you would like to play with it you can do so here. If you have any comments, I would love to hear them.

 Image of my interface in action

I will try to learn as much as possible from the Catalyst simulation to avoid mistakes in the final version. But I will still create the final version in standard Flash.

Short link to this post: http://skrci.me/dss02

03 May 2010

Design competition

Yesterday I entered an international design competition. I submitted my concept one hour before deadline, although I knew about it for more then a month. I was working on this design concept for the past two weeks, but still I've done 90% of the writing, 60% of rendering and 10% of modeling the last day (working 15 hours straight). It's not that I never learn from this "do it all the last day" mistake, but I rather need it. I need the pressure and a tight deadline to function.
Sadly I won't be able to show my concept anytime soon. Because of the competition rules I'm not allow to show it to the public until December.

Short link to this post: http://skrci.me/dss01